When looking to buy land in Thailand it is very important to carryout due diligence.
Lawyers for Expats Thailand offer this service as part of our property solution
There a number of things to look out for:
Land Ownership is the person selling the land the true owner and do they have the right to sell it.
Are there any loans or mortgage or lien registered to the land.
How the land was acquired example was it left in a will if so are there any persons that have a claim to this land.
The type of Land Title is important as some offer restricted use and restricted ownership rights such land titles include Nor Sor Sam and Nor Sor Sam Gor or Kor this is not a full ownership Land Title Deed it only shows who has the right to possess the land and to use the benefit as a private owner,
The most secure Land Title Deed is a Nor Sor 4 Jor Known as a Chanote this is the most sought after Land Title and offers full ownership rights over the land.
To arrange a Free Consultation about buying property in Thailand or any other legal matter contact Lawyers for Expats Thailand on +66956583038 or email us at info@lawyersforexptsthailand.com